
class BuildlessCacheService(endpoint: URI, httpClientHelper: HttpClientHelper, http2ClientHelper: Http2ClientHelper, requestCustomizer: HttpBuildCacheRequestCustomizer, useExpectContinue: Boolean) : HttpBuildCacheService, BuildCacheService(source)

Buildless: Cache Service

Build cache service implementing optimized transport with Buildless; see BuildlessCache for more information. This service is shared throughout the Gradle build process, and is responsible for implementing optimized cache protocols with the Buildless Agent.


If the Buildless agent is not running, or for any other reason Buildless protocols are not available, this service falls back to default Gradle cache behavior.



Configured cache endpoint.


HTTP client helper.


HTTP/2 client helper.


HTTP request customizer.


Whether to use the HTTP/1.1 Expect: 100-continue header.

See also

for more information.


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constructor(endpoint: URI, httpClientHelper: HttpClientHelper, http2ClientHelper: Http2ClientHelper, requestCustomizer: HttpBuildCacheRequestCustomizer, useExpectContinue: Boolean)


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abstract override fun close()
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open override fun load(key: BuildCacheKey, reader: BuildCacheEntryReader): Boolean

Load a cache entry from the Buildless-powered cache; if Buildless-specific protocols are not available or the Buildless Agent is not running, this will fall back to the default Gradle cache behavior.

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open override fun store(key: BuildCacheKey, writer: BuildCacheEntryWriter)

Store an entry within the Buildless-powered cache; if Buildless-specific protocols are not available, or the Buildless Agent is not running, this will fall back to the default Gradle cache behavior.