Package-level declarations


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open class BuildlessCache : HttpBuildCache


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class BuildlessCacheService(endpoint: URI, httpClientHelper: HttpClientHelper, http2ClientHelper: Http2ClientHelper, requestCustomizer: HttpBuildCacheRequestCustomizer, useExpectContinue: Boolean) : HttpBuildCacheService, BuildCacheService

Build cache service implementing optimized transport with Buildless; see BuildlessCache for more information. This service is shared throughout the Gradle build process, and is responsible for implementing optimized cache protocols with the Buildless Agent.

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Describes configuration applied to the BuildlessCacheService and other services managed by Buildless, throughout the lifecycle of a single Gradle build.

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Specifies extended method support for the Buildless Service factory.

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Specifies extended method support for the Buildless service which resides within a Gradle build; these methods extend the concept of a BuildCacheService.